I help scientists win NIH R01 and SBIR grants with a lot less pain and hassle. I’ve helped clients win more than $200,000,000 in grants.
Money-Back Guarantee: If I accept you as a client and you do what we agree to, then I will deliver what I promise — or else you don’t owe me anything. For more details about guarantees, see the web pages about my services.
Do you need a R01 as a tenure requirement?
If you have a great research idea and preliminary data to back it up, there’s an excellent chance I can help you win. I’ve helped lots of assistant profs get the grant they needed for tenure. Click: R01-for-Tenure.
Are you a senior professor whose R01 funding dried up?
Tired of scoring below payline even though you have a great research idea and lots of preliminary data? I’ve helped other senior profs in your situation get back in the money. Click: R01 Accelerator.
Does your department, medical school or university need a grant consultant with a track record of success?
Besides having individual professors as clients, I also work with groups. Click here.
If you’re not getting the help you need to win with NIH, I can make winning easier with a lot less pain.
What Clients Say…
“I just want to let you know that my R01 grant with your editing has been awarded. You have edited 4 NIH grants for me in the last five years and 3 NIH R01 grants have been awarded. I value the insights and guidance you provide.” — Jae-Wook Jeong, University of Missouri*
“Without your expertise in contract proposal and medical writing, we would not have produced a proposal that we were proud to send to the NIH.” — Michael McKeehen, Pharm-Olam International*
“Thank you for your edits to highlight and emphasize the strengths of my grant proposal. I found many of your edits to be thoughtful and constructive, and have incorporated them into my grant.” — Tiffany Horng, Harvard University*
“Your critical review and feedback allowed me to strengthen my specific aims page and other parts of the proposal. I also learned several tips that I will be using in my future grant proposal also.” — Vijaya Raj Bhatt, University of Nebraska Medical Center*
As a grant writer “[Dr.] Hollon showed a particular ability … to present a clear, logical and coherent case. It is without reservation that we provide a recommendation for Mr. Hollon. We are looking forward to using his services again.” — Nora B. Doherty, BioCrossroads*
“I am certain [my R01] would not have been funded without your creative out-of-the-box thinking that made such a compelling case to NCI.” — Amber L. Pearson, Michigan State University*
“Now I am in a somewhat overly blessed position of having ten concurrent grants and contracts – from NIH, USDA, USAID, the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS), and the World Health Organization. I have no doubt that your grantwriting assistance and lessons learned from you contributed to this success.” — Felicia Wu, Michigan State University*
“My PO called me today and told me the NIEHS is going to fund my 17th percentile R01! Thank you for your help! I will never forget how hard you fought for me and how you believed in me!” — Jamie Bernard, Michigan State University*
“With your help and in a short period of time (about a year and a half), my research team received 4 extramural grants, i.e. EveryCat Health Foundation, PhRMA Foundation, an R21 grant, and a K08 grant.” — Jessica Fortin, Purdue University*
*Result may vary from person to person.